Motörhead melder om at den offisielle minnestunden som vil bli holdt for familie og nære venner vil bli streamet live førstkommende lørdag 9. januar 2016.
Her på Rockman kan du følge minnestunden live:
NB!Livebilder blir vist på skjermen over når sendingen starter fk. lørdag 9. januar(norsk tid)kl. 24.00 – 01.30.
On SATURDAY JANUARY 9th, the world will come together and celebrate the life of our friend, and legend, Ian «Lemmy» Kilmister.Family and close friends will observe a service at Forest Lawn Memorial Cemetery, Hollywood, commencing at 3pm PST and ending at 4.30pm. With such limited space available on-site, we respectfully ask that you don`t attend the cemetery – but we want you ALL to be a part of this, so we are setting up a live feed of the service via the internet on Motörhead`s official You Tube channel So wherever you are, PLEASE get together and watch the service with fellow Motörheadbangers and friends. GO to your favorite bar, or your favorite club, make sure they have access to an internet connection and toast along with us. Or simply invite your pals around and celebrate Lemmys life at home. Whatever your venue, and however you can, let`s be sure to gather globally on Saturday 9th and celebrate the life of our dear friend and irreplaceable icon.
«Lemmy» blir hedret med statue
(Photo-illustration «Lemmy» statue at The Rainbow Bar and Grill by Rockman Magazine)
Motörhead har gjennom hele sin nesten 40 års aktive periode bygget opp en enorm popularitet med dedikerte fans over hele verden. Mange viser sin lojalitet og kjærlighet til bandet med egne Motörhead-tatoveringer. #RMROCK