‘We’ve always been about community in U2, about family and friends. «Songs Of Innocence» is the most intimate album we’ve ever made. With this record we were looking for the raw, naked and personal, to strip everything back.» – Bono
Etter U2`s nylige gigantiske PR-jippo der de i samarbeid med Apples gjennomførte en felleslansering av deres nye studioalbum «Songs Of Innocence» og nye Iphone 6 der albumet kunne lastes gratis ned via itunes, lanseres nå en deluxe edition av albumet med nytt albumcover og 2 nye låter samt akustiske versjoner av låtene i forrige utgivelse.

Det visuelle i album art coveret (bilde ovenfor) gjenspeiler de nye sangene og deres inspirasjon i de tidlige årene av U2 som tenåringer i Dublin. Den britiske motefotograf og filmregissør Glen Luchfords slående cover bilde av Larry Mullen Jr. som beskytter sin 18 år gamle sønn, resonerer med bandets ikoniske 1980 debutalbum «Boy» 0g albumet «War», tre år senere. Begge disse album viser barneansiktet til Peter Rowen, yngre bror av Guggi og Bonos barndomsvenn som vokste opp på Cedarwood Road.
Sistnevnte er også tittel til låt nummer 8 på det nye albumet!
«Cedarwood Road» (lyric):
I was running down the road
The fear was all I knew
I was looking for a soul that?s real
Then I ran into you
And that cherry blossom tree
Was a gateway to the sun
And friendship once it?s won
It?s won? it?s one
Northside just across the river to Southside
That?s a long way here
All the green and all the gold
The hurt you hide, the joy you hold
The foolish pride that gets you out the door
Up on Cedarwood Road, on Cedarwood Road
Sleepwalking down the road
Not waking from those dreams
?Cause it?s never dead it?s still in my head
It was a warzone in my teens
I?m still standing on that street
Still need an enemy
The worst ones I can?t see
You can? you can
Northside just across the river to Southside
That?s a long way here
All the green and all the gold
The hurt you hide, the joy you hold
The foolish pride that sends you back for more
Up on Cedarwood Road, on Cedarwood Road
If the door is open it isn?t theft
You can?t return to where you?ve never left
Blossoms falling from a tree they cover you and cover me
Symbols clashing, bibles smashing
Paint the world you need to see
Sometimes fear is the only place we can call home
Cedarwood Road
«We’ve always been about community in U2, about family and friends. «Songs Of Innocence» is the most intimate album we’ve ever made. With this record we were looking for the raw, naked and personal, to strip everything back. The idea of the unique relationship between a parent and child, the image of a father and son, came from the band. The shoot with Larry and his son was initially an experiment but everyone loved it as a visual metaphor for the record. If you know the album you’ll see the themes in the visual language, how ‘holding on to your own innocence is a lot harder than holding on to someone else’s.» – Bono
Deluxe edition av albumet «Songs Of Innocence» utgis 13. oktober via plateselskapet Universal Music.
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