(photocredit: www.rockman.no – Five Finger Death Punch at Norway Rock Festival 2016)
Skrevet av Knut Eirik Myhre
5FDP har publisert en overraskende og følelsesmessig tolkning av låta «Gone Away».
Musikkvideoen er en overraskende og flkessemessig tolkning av The Offsprings låta «Gone Away» fra 1997:
Låta finnes på Five Finger Death Punch sist album «
F IVE FINGER DEATH PUNCH guitarist Zoltan Bathory stated about the video: «Every song has exactly as many meanings as many people have heard it, but by creating a music video we can crystallize one of the possibilities, our personal interpretation, and share what those words mean to us personally.
«Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and by taking a snapshot of our own perception of something, we are also sharing the impact it had on us.
«‘Gone Away’ is one of those songs that can hit you in the chest, and our interpretation may surprise some… but this is how we heard it.»