Skjermdump sammensatt bilder fra The Rolling Stones musikkvideo "Start Me Up (Live From Salt Lake City)" publisert på YouTube
Den engelske avisen The Sun kan i dag bringe nyheten om at The Rolling Stones vil gjennomføre den kommende USA-turnèen som planlagt og at de planlegger å gjennomføre en følelsesmessig hyllest til avdøde trommeslager Charlie Watts på scenen.
Kilden som bekrefter nyheten sier iflg. The Sun
«The band want to make the show a celebration of his life. He was like a brother to them but they know he would have hated the thought of them cancelling shows. Charlie had given them his blessing to tour without him following his operation, so they will honour his wishes.»
Den kommende USA turneen «No Filter Tour» har oppstart 21. september i St. Louis, Missouri. Som vi har skrevet om tidligere, før dødsfallet til Charlie Watts, så har bandet hentet inn trommeslager Steve Jordan. Charlie Watts ga da følgende melding om at Rolling Stones skulle fortsette turnèen:
«For once my timing has been a little off. I am working hard to get fully fit but I have today accepted on the advice of the experts that this will take a while. After all the fans’ suffering caused by Covid. I really do not want the many fans who have been holding tickets for this tour to be disappointed by another postponement or cancellation. I have therefore asked my great friend Steve Jordan to stand in for me.»