
Five Finger Death Punch til Norge med special guest Megadeth!



Foto: Live Nation Norge, Five Finger Death Punch

I 2020 legger Five Finger Death Punch ut på sin største europaturné noensinne, med seg har de selveste Megadeth og sensasjonen Bad Wolves. Dette melder nå konsertarrangør Live Nation i en egen pressemelding. Stjernelaget besøker 14 land, og 23. januar inntar tidenes rockepakke Oslo Spektrum.

Billetter er i salg fra fredag 13. september kl. 09.00.

Five Finger Death Punch-gitarist Zoltan Bathory sier følgende om line-upen: “The line-up is massive. Bad Wolves were THE break out band of recent years and are certainly bringing the heat. Megadeth needs no introduction, they are absolute legends. Dave Mustaine’s contribution to this genre is simply immeasurable. I consider him one of the founding fathers of not just Thrash but Heavy Metal in general, because his riffs and guitar playing have influenced everyone that was in Megadeth’s blast radius… and that’s a big radius.”

“Hindsight is always 20-20, but looking back it’s still a bit fuzzy. Looking forward, you’ll be in trouble if you don’t come see us with Five Finger Death Punch in early 2020. You don’t wanna miss it. See you soon!” sier Dave Mustaine fra Megadeth.

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