
Se trailer for fantastisk nytt Linkin Park livealbum og hyllest til avdøde Chester Bennington



(foto: skjermdump av YouTube video nedenfor – Chester Bennington, Linkin Park)

Skrevet av Knut Eirik Myhre

Tidligere denne uken annonserte Linkin Park at de skal slippe et helt nytt livealbum som har fått tittel «One More Light Live» og som er en hyllest til deres avdøde fantastiske vokalist Chester Bennington.

Her kan du sjekke ut traileren for det kommende livealbumet:

Et fantastisk livealbum som får en ekstra og sterk følelsesmessig dimensjon med tanke på Chester Bennington (41) som så tragisk tok sitt eget liv 20. juli i år.

Les også: Chester Benningtons enke deler gripende videohilsen fra sin mann spilt inn kort tid før han døde

Bandet sier følgende om den kommende liveutgivelsen:

«We dedicate this live album to our brother Chester who poured his heart and soul into one more light. After we finished recording the album we joked with Chester that – since he had delivered so many stunning performances in the studio – he had set the bar extra high to produce that alchemy on stage each night. Not surprisinggly, he welcomed the challenge».

«The shows we played together during the early summer of 2017 were extraordinary. Chester shared with us that he felt this was the best tour we had ever done. The camaraderi and joy we experienced on stage reflected our deep connection with each other, with our fans, and with the music».

«Everey night befor walking out onto the stage, we would huddle, get focused, and whatever last-second remarks popped into our heads. Chester always took it upon himself to turn the name of city we were playing into a first-rate pun. This was our ritual. Best of all, it was a moment to express our gratitude that we were living our dream».

«Chester never forgot to express his appreciation to our crew – the men and woman who traveled the world with us. Making our dream into reality night after night. Without them, these shows would not have been possible». 

«Chester was uniquely passionate, uncommonly generous, sensitive, optimistic, funny and kind. With his voice, he turned pain into catharsis, authenticity into art, and passion into connection. His dedication to bring these songs to life was triumphant. For those of you who attended this tour in person, we thank you. For those who could not, we hope this live album gives you a glimpse into how magical these shows were for the six of us»

– Joe, Dave, Rob, Mike & Brad

Live-albumet er spilt inn i forbindelse med bandets «The One More Light World Tour 2017», slippes 15. desember 2017 og vil inneholde følgende låter:

1. «Talking To Myself», 2. «Burn It Down», 3. «Battle Symphony», 4. «New Divide», 5. «Invisible», 6. «Nobody Can Save Me», 7. «One More Light», 8. «Crawling», 9. «Leavy Out All The Rest», 10. «Good Goodbye feat. Stormy», 11. «What I`ve Done», 12. «In The End», 13. «Sharp Edges», 14. «Numb», 15. «Heavy». 16. «Bleed It Out».

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