
Alice Cooper i sjokk over rockens siste tragiske selvmord



(photo credit: www.rockman.no – Alice Cooper at Odderøya Live 4th Of June 2014)

Skrevet av Knut Eirik Myhre

I et helt nytt intervju med Alice Copper i Meltdown Of Detroits WRIF-radiostasjon som også er gjengitt av Blabbermouth gir Cooper sin kommentar om de tragiske siste selvmordene av Chester Bennington (Linking Park, Dead by Sunrise og Stone Pilots) og Chris Cornell (Soundgarden, Audioslave).

Alice Cooper forteller i radiointervjuet som du kan høre i sin helhet nedenfor at han kjente både Chris Cornell og Chester Bennington veldig godt. Han hadde bl.a. jobbet med Chris Cornell og forteller bl.a. hvor enormt imponert han ble av Cornells store talent. Like imponert var han av Chester Bennington, en fantastisk talentfull person med enormt potensiale som han også spilte golf sammen med.

Alice Cooper sier bl.a. dette i intervjuet:

«I worked with Chris Cornell, I wrote a couple of songs with Chris for ‘The Last Temptation’ album,. And I just went, This guy has got the whole package. I’d never seen anybody that had the package as much as he did, when it comes to just talent, guitar playing, singing, songwriting, charisma? the whole thing. So I was unbelievably shocked by that one. I didn’t get that one. I didn’t understand that one at all. A suicide on that level, I went, ‘Why?’ I’m like everybody else, going, ‘Why?’ «

«And then Chester Bennington, same thing. Chester is one of those guys I played golf with? well, I was teaching him golf. And we talked about music the whole time. And he was in two bands at the same time – Linkin Park and I think Stone Temple Pilots he was in. [He had] great kids, great family, no financial problems and then all of a sudden he’s dead. And you go, ‘Why? What is going on?’ I don’t get it at all. I really don’t get it. I’ve never had any kind of depression, so I can’t speak for that. I don’t think it was drugs, I don’t think it was any of that. I think it was just a matter of maybe clinical depression»

I intervjuet kommentarer han også det tidligere tragiske dødsfallet til Scott Weiland:

«That guy had the whole package also, and yet decided that heroin was more important than that. But these guys, I don’t really think their thing was a drug problem. I think it was more of a physical problem. I think it had something to do with clinical depression».

Les også: Stemmer fra graven

Alice Cooper har for kort tid siden også besøk Norge med konsert på Sentrum Scene i Oslo og Buktafestivalen i Tromsø og er albumaktuelle med sitt siste studioalbum «Paranormal» som du kan høre og lese mer om her.

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